5 Free Stock Photo Websites
Here is a list of stock photo websites in which you can search through a huge catalogue of pictures for your wallpapers or projects. All of these have free images! All of these images are copyright free and/or fall under the Creative Commons CCO License. These websites are good to get photographers known and therefore they would probably appreciate if you peek at their social media and give them a follow considering you are using their hard work for free.
1. Gratisography
The first website is Gratisography, this website is made by Ryan McGuire. He takes loads of interesting, abstract and different images but that also look very professional and are completely free for your projects and with no worries for commercial use. He also has a donation section if you feel kind enough to help him out.

2. Pexels
The next on the list is my go to choice of free stock images. Pexels has a huge range of photos taken by lots of photographers. Search for what you want and simply download the image in high quality. This site also has information of each image at the bottom of the page. It tells you the camera settings and what camera is used for the picture.

3. Life of Pix
Life of Pix is another brilliant website, it has all the choice of Pexels however each photographer has a page. It is almost like Instagram for stock images. They also has a photographer of the week which is displayed at the top of the home page and gives them some notice.

4. Stock Snap
This site has all the features of the other sites. However not quite as tailored to the photographers. If you are just downloading the images this isn't much of a problem. They do include the dimensions of the photo in the description. All these pictures also fall under the creative commons license.

5. Pixabay
This is the final website on the list, it also has no problems with copyright and you can use any picture you like. It tells you about the CCO and that you can use for commercial use. The site gives the photographer a profile page too. The banner at the top of the websites home page is also an editors choice and features some great pictures.

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